If you use a no-multilib profile and want for example use wine to play, you should install a 32 bit environment.


If not alrealy enable, allow 32 bit binaries to run, for a kernel >= 4.19.40:

Binary Emulations --->
[*] IA32 Emulation

Recompile your kernel and restart to activate this.

Download last stage3 for i686

Get the last stage 3, hardened, systemd or not at a gentoo mirror:

$ w3m https://mirrors.evowise.com/gentoo/releases/x86/autobuilds/

Control the gpg signature and the checksum:

$ gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 0x2D182910
$ gpg --verify stage3-i686-*.DIGEST.asc


gpg: Signature made Fri 07 Jun 2019 11:04:35 PM AKDT
gpg:                using RSA key 534E4209AB49EEE1C19D96162C44695DB9F6043D
gpg: Good signature from "Gentoo Linux Release Engineering (Automated Weekly Release Key) <releng@gentoo.org>" [unknown]


$ awk '/SHA512 HASH/{getline;print}' stage3-i686-*.DIGEST.asc | sha512sum --check


stage3-i686-hardened-20190607T214502Z.tar.xz: OK
stage3-i686-hardened-20190607T214502Z.tar.xz.CONTENTS: OK

Switch to root

$ sudo su -

Create the directory

If you use zfs, you can create a dataset like this, replace zfsforninja by your pool name:

# zfs create -o mountpoint=/usr/local/gentoo32 -o devices=on -o setuid=on -o exec=on zfsforninja/usr/gentoo32

Else, create a basic directory:

# mkdir /usr/local/gentoo32
# cd /usr/local/gentoo32

Unpack the stage 3:

# tar xvJpf stage3-*.tar.xz --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner
# rm stage3*

Copy the necessary files

# cp -L /etc/resolv.conf etc/
# cp -L /etc/passwd etc/
# cp -L /etc/portage/make.conf etc/portage/make.conf

Change or add the CHOST value to i686-pc-linux-gnu !

# vim etc/portage/make.conf

You don’t need to customize package use.


# mount -o bind /dev dev
# mount -o bind /sys sys
# mount -o bind /proc proc
# mount -o bind /run run

Mount portage:

# mkdir usr/portage
# mount -o bind /usr/portage usr/portage


$ sudo linux32 chroot /usr/local/gentoo32 /bin/bash
# source /etc/profile && env-update

To verify the 32-bit environment:

# uname -n


You have to compile all i686 programs you need.

# emerge -auvDN @world

The sound driver too, e.g with ALSA:

# emerge -av tap-plugins swh-plugins libsamplerate ladspa-cmt caps-plugins ladspa-bs2b alsa-plugins

And wine-staging, lutris:

# echo "app-emulation/wine-staging openal gstreamer gecko" > /etc/portage/package.use/wine
# emerge -av wine-staging lutris

Recreate your home dir

If you use zsh, you have to install:

# emerge -av zsh

Your home dir is normally void, so:

# mkdir /home/<username>
# chown -R <username>:<username> /home/<username>
# su <username>


Finally, we can write a little script:



start() {
  mount -o bind /dev $CHRD/dev >/dev/null
  mount -o bind /dev/pts $CHRD/dev/pts >/dev/null
  mount -o bind /dev/shm $CHRD/dev/shm >/dev/null
  mount -o bind /proc $CHRD/proc >/dev/null
  mount -o bind /sys $CHRD/sys >/dev/null
  mount -o bind /tmp $CHRD/tmp >/dev/null
  [[ ! -d $CHRD/usr/portage ]] && mkdir -p $CHRD/usr/portage
  mount -o bind /usr/portage $CHRD/usr/portage/ >/dev/null
  echo "Copying 32bit chroot files"
  cp -pf /etc/resolv.conf $CHRD/etc >/dev/null
  cp -pf /etc/passwd $CHRD/etc >/dev/null
  cp -pf /etc/shadow $CHRD/etc >/dev/null
  cp -pf /etc/group $CHRD/etc >/dev/null
  cp -pf /etc/gshadow $CHRD/etc >/dev/null
  cp -pf /etc/hosts $CHRD/etc > /dev/null
  cp -Ppf /etc/localtime $CHRD/etc >/dev/null
  echo "you can start with : "
  echo "sudo linux32 chroot $CHRD /bin/bash"
  echo "source /etc/profile && env-update"

stop() {
  umount -f $CHRD/dev/pts >/dev/null
  umount -f $CHRD/dev/shm >/dev/null
  umount -f $CHRD/dev >/dev/null
  umount -f $CHRD/proc >/dev/null
  umount -f $CHRD/sys >/dev/null
  umount -f $CHRD/tmp >/dev/null
  umount -f $CHRD/usr/portage/ >/dev/null

if [[ $1 == "start" ]] ; then
  echo "call with start : $1"
  xhost local:localhost
  exit 0
elif [[ $1 == "stop" ]] ; then
  echo "call with stop : $1"
  exit 0
  echo "need arg start or stop";
  exit 1

Usage: chroot32.sh start, chroot32.sh stop.